Here It Goes Again

So after a long blogging hiatus (well for me anyway!), I’m back, bitches. Hera’s in the house!

That sounded a lot cooler in my head, trust me on this.


Lots has happened since then. But for those who aren’t aware of it anyway…

I made some rather sensitive comments on a certain strata of people that exist in Malaysian culture. You know, educated, privileged, land-owner-rights people who think intimidation and status is a way to control, impress and dictate your way around the world? Yeah, those people.

Basically, I ended up with threats for legal action despite being totally not warranted for it. There were no names mentioned and it is strange that the people who issued their threats took offense to it, isn’t it? I mean, I must have touched a VERY sore spot…

Well, lets just say it’ll never stop me from writing about the truth and what’s actually going on in a land far away from me but somewhere in which I grew up in.

For those who actually know who I am, well, they’d know that I’m not someone who can tolerate bigotry and prejudice well. I’m a big humanist. I believe, like every sane person should, that rights to education, economy and politics should be equal. However, in this big sad world, not everyone thinks like that. Which is why we have racism, corruption, tyranny, bladiblabla.

So, apart from my usual pet peeve with bigotry, lots has been going on! Ever since I’ve been attempted to be silenced, I have…

1. Started my rotations in Critical Care – and loved every bit of it! 

2. Had an operation and am enjoying the huge benefits from it. 

3. Settled into my home abroad and enjoying the comforts of newly added (old) people in my life.

4. Have been proposed to 3 times this week (this is not a joke or simulation, this is for real). 

5. Achieved world peace. Yeah, ok, in my head. 

More on each of that in a bit. For now, I shall stop here by saying, I hope I have some of my old readers back and yeah, it’d be great to get some feedback now and then so I actually know who reads this shit. It’s, kinda, encouraging. Just a teensy bit.

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